• More J&J Quality Problems Revealed with New Recall

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:20:45
    Quality improvements at Johnson & Johnson was the focus of last week’s news about the company. This week, unfortunately, it's back to recalls and warning letters. J&J issued a recall of millions of its daily disposable contact lenses, 1 Day Acuvue, sold in Japan and more than two dozen other Asian ...

  • J&J Plans to Improve Manufacturing Quality

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:20:45
    Johnson & Johnson’s CEO William Weldon told The Wall Street Journal this week that the company will change its manufacturing operations and create a new position responsible for company-wide quality that reports directly to him. The company’s numerous recalls and manufacturing problems during the past year have resulted in a ...

  • AIDS Vaccine Trial Planned by IAVI, Crucell, Harvard, Ragon Institute

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:20:45
    A new clinical trial for an AIDS vaccine will take place in Africa and the United States. The program, announced this week, is a collaboration between the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), which will lead the trial, biopharmaceutical company Crucell (Leiden, Netherlands), Harvard Medical School’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, ...

  • Future Directions for NIAID’s HIV Vaccine Clinical Research: Consider and Comment

    Updated: 2010-08-31 18:16:58
    The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is developing a series of blog posts here on AIDS.gov related to planning for the future of NIAID’s HIV/AIDS clinical trial networks. Each blog post focuses on specific aspects of the...

  • Genetic variation linked to lupus

    Updated: 2010-08-31 01:54:55
    Genes reside along long chains of DNA called chromosomes. UCLA scientists have observed that a variation in a gene on the sex chromosome X may enhance an immune response that leads to lupus in men. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that predominantly affects women. Interestingly, scientists observed that eventhough the variation occurred in a gene on the X, or female, chromosome, its influence was stronger in men than in women. Humans hold two sex chromosomes men have an X and Y, while women have two Xs. Prior studies have shown that genetic variations on the X chromosome contribute to the development of lupus........

  • Apixaban for prevention of stroke

    Updated: 2010-08-31 01:54:55
    The data monitoring committee of the AVERROES study, seeing overwhelming evidence of the success of apixaban in the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation who are unsuitable for the conventional therapy of warfarin, has recommended early termination of this study. The decision came after repeated review and careful consideration of all efficacy and safety data........

  • AIDS.gov Shares Community News: Coalition for a National AIDS Strategy to Hold Upcoming Webinars

    Updated: 2010-08-31 00:52:53
    By David Munar, Vice President for Policy, AIDS Foundation of Chicago David Munar, AIDS Foundation of Chicago The Coalition for a National AIDS Strategy will host two upcoming, identical webinars to assist community advocates in learning more about the National...

  • Breaking the Mold: A Fresh Take on Email Advocacy

    Updated: 2010-08-30 21:57:04
    : Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Merrell's blog Breaking the Mold : A Fresh Take on Email Advocacy Breaking the Mold : A Fresh Take on Email Advocacy By Merrell Posted on 30 August 2010 The Sunlight Foundation has a great piece up on their blog about re-thinking that ubiquitous piece of 21st-century non-profit communication known as the advocacy email . Many of us working in non-profit organizing public policy world receive dozens of advocacy emails everyday , all bearing a remarkably similar format and asking us to complete a remarkably similiar task : read this background information and click here to take . action So its not entirely surprising that a few people would find

  • Zambia moving fast to scale up male circumcision

    Updated: 2010-08-30 19:42:19
    Male circumcision (MC) was a recurring theme throughout our congressional study tour, since the intervention has been shown to provide up to 60 percent protection for men from HIV infection from a female partner. There is also evidence that it reduces the chance of the female partner contracting some genital infections that could lead to cancer of [...]

  • Growth and challenges: South Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS

    Updated: 2010-08-30 11:00:48
    When Mark Heywood helped found the AIDS Law Project in South Africa in 1993, there were slightly fewer than one million South Africans infected with HIV/AIDS.  There was no national antiretroviral treatment (ART) program, and drugs were extremely expensive, making it almost impossible for people living with HIV/AIDS to get treatment.  The AIDS Law Project [...]

  • Massive gap in funding forecast for AIDS treatment in Zambia

    Updated: 2010-08-27 21:31:08
    Note: this posting has been revised from the previous version. An analysis developed with the aid of the USAID-funded Deliver Project shows that Zambia is facing a massive gap in the financing required to reach country targets for expanded access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The gap goes from $8.2 million for 2011 to a whopping [...]

  • Scientific Updates

    Updated: 2010-08-27 18:35:51
    Here are some quick summaries of technological newsmakers from the past week: Two cancer drugs stop HIV in its tracks: Using a mixture of two anti-cancer drugs already on the market, researchers at the University of Minnesota say they have found a promising new treatment for HIV. During lab experiments with mice,” the drugs gemcitabine and [...]

  • Strategy Update: Regional Health Administrators and Ryan White Grantee Meeting

    Updated: 2010-08-26 22:46:47
    By Dr. Ron Valdiserri, M.D., M.P.H., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Listening Session at Ryan White Grantee Meeting Earlier this week, I was able to join in on the weekly Regional...

  • “Good Cell, Bad Cell” – Free Access Review on the Study of T Cell Subsets in HIV

    Updated: 2010-08-25 21:20:29

  • What We’re Reading

    Updated: 2010-08-25 20:36:37
    The One Blog this week posted a video (accompanies this post) from David Rochkind, an award-winning photographer working on a project to illustrate the impact of tuberculosis on the world. In the video, Mariana Bernofsky tells of her experiences as a pregnant woman with TB in Balti, Moldova. More of Rochkind’s work is available on [...]

  • Program supports healthier choices by sex workers to reduce HIV

    Updated: 2010-08-24 21:42:08
    Director of  The Center for Global Health Policy Christine Lubinski recalls her recent trip to South Africa and Zambia, where she and other Center staff hosted five congressional staff members on tours of U.S. government funded programs to address HIV and TB.  While visiting Livingstone, Zambia, several of us had the opportunity to visit Family Health International’s (FHI) Corridors [...]

  • Public Health and Homelessness

    Updated: 2010-08-24 20:54:00
    By Hazel D. Dean, ScD, MPH, Deputy Director, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC (Cross-posted from Health Protection, Perspectives Blog) Homelessness is associated with disproportionate rates of various chronic and infectious diseases, poor mental health,...

  • Signs of Progress in Gene Therapy for HIV

    Updated: 2010-08-23 21:36:56

  • Key Stakeholders Discuss New Drugs for TB

    Updated: 2010-08-23 20:00:31
    The following is a guest posting from Joanna Breitstein of the TB Alliance, reporting from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. While there were few new TB treatment prospects a few years ago, today there are 10 drugs in the global development pipeline. Noting the sea of change, Wednesday’s Open Forum conference focus shifted from developing drugs to speeding [...]

  • Day two in Africa: Visiting an “academic institute and an agent for social change”

    Updated: 2010-08-19 17:11:39
    Director of  The Center for Global Health Policy Christine Lubinski is blogging today from Johannesburg, South Africa. This is her second entry from her visit to South Africa and Zambia, where she and other Center staff are hosting five congressional staff members on tours of U.S. government funded programs to address HIV and TB.  Dr. Helen Rees describes the University [...]

  • A meeting with clinicians and activists in South Africa

    Updated: 2010-08-18 16:53:45
    Director of  The Center for Global Health Policy Christine Lubinski is blogging today from South Africa. She and other Center staff are touring South Africa and Zambia this week and hosting five congressional staff on visits to U.S. government funded programs to address HIV and TB.  Glenda Gray, a pediatrician who began her work in what may be the largest hospital [...]

  • Advocates thank Ambassador Goosby for prevention guidance for injection drug users

    Updated: 2010-08-17 19:28:20
    HIV/AIDS advocates from more than 50 organizations, including the IDSA/HIVMA Center for Global Health Policy, sent a letter last week to Ambassador Eric Goosby, MD, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, thanking him for releasing the revised the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) guidance on “Comprehensive HIV Prevention for People Who Inject Drugs.” Sent out on [...]

  • Moving Forward: Putting Your Policy Agenda in Motion

    Updated: 2010-08-17 19:23:02
    : Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Merrell's blog Moving Forward : Putting Your Policy Agenda in Motion Moving Forward : Putting Your Policy Agenda in Motion By Merrell Posted on 17 August 2010 For individuals or groups looking to dive into the world of advocacy , the list of initial questions one must consider before taking the plunge can at times seem daunting . nbsp Is my agency legally allowed to lobby elected officials How do I go about forming a coalition What issues do we focus on How do we measure success If you are asking yourself one or more of these questions , you should take a look at this presentation It covers a lot of the most commonly encountered considerations

  • As States Grapple with Sex Ed Funding, Youth Amplify Their Voices

    Updated: 2010-08-17 18:42:06
    , Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Merrell's blog As States Grapple with Sex Ed Funding , Youth Amplify Their Voices As States Grapple with Sex Ed Funding , Youth Amplify Their Voices By Merrell Posted on 17 August 2010 Sex Ed is once again making headlines in the wake of the federal government's recent announcement of two wildly different sex education funding opportunities for states . nbsp The first , called Personal Responsibility Education Program PREP funds comprehensive , evidence-based sex ed programming . nbsp The second , called Title V , funds abstience-only programming that has been proven ineffective As advocates mobilize around pressuring state officials to accept

  • It's Election Time! Learn about Non-Profit Advocacy August 19

    Updated: 2010-08-16 16:06:06
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Pistol Pete's blog It's Election Time Learn about Non-Profit Advocacy August 19 It's Election Time Learn about Non-Profit Advocacy August 19 By Pistol Pete Posted on 16 August 2010 Election season is upon us again and it’s time for your organization to get loud Non-profit groups can and should get involved in election and policy advocacy , and there are really simple ways your agency can start today . Come to learn the easy-breezy steps you can take to make advocacy an every-day part of your organization Topics : include Nonprofits and the law dos and don’ts Easy-bake advocacy : simple steps to make advocacy easy at your agency The election is

  • Bone marrow stem cells to treat respiratory failure

    Updated: 2010-08-13 19:51:59
    Scientists are reporting this week newly released study results they say provide further evidence of the therapeutic potential of stem cells derived from bone marrow for patients suffering from acute lung injury, one of the most common causes of respiratory failure in intensive care units. Led by Drs. Michael A. Matthay and Jae W. Lee at the Cardiovascular Research Institute of the University of California, San Francisco, the team writes in a Journal of Biological Chemistry "Paper of the Week" that its experiments have revealed how a type of bone marrow stem cell bolsters damaged lung cells........

  • "Towards a Cure": HIV Reservoirs and Strategies to Control Them

    Updated: 2010-08-13 14:04:52

  • Daily vitamin D intake

    Updated: 2010-08-13 11:50:42
    Anthony Norman, a leading international expert in vitamin D, proposes worldwide policy changes regarding people's vitamin D daily intake amount in order to maximize the vitamin's contribution to reducing the frequency of a number of diseases, including childhood rickets, adult osteomalacia, cancer, autoimmune type-1 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, obesity and muscle weakness........

  • Finding an Easier Way to Explain the Social Determinants of Health

    Updated: 2010-08-12 18:42:35
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Merrell's blog Finding an Easier Way to Explain the Social Determinants of Health Finding an Easier Way to Explain the Social Determinants of Health By Merrell Posted on 12 August 2010 The social determinants of health' Its a ten dollar phrase that many of us working in AIDS advocacy have become increasingly accustomed to hearing in recent years . nbsp In many ways , this reflects the welcomed trend of social science and public health researchers deepening their understanding of what many community health advocates have known intuitively for some time : a person's environment and social context affect their health . nbsp In the context of HIV ,

  • Sex in the City: Men, Sex, Love, and HIV

    Updated: 2010-08-12 17:00:20
    : , , , Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Sex in the City : Men , Sex , Love , and HIV Sex in the City : Men , Sex , Love , and HIV Use the Events Calender to find out what's happening in your community . Everyone is encouraged to view the calendar listings , but only registered members may post an . event By wady Posted on 12 August 2010 Date : nbsp 09 16 2010 9:00am 3:00pm Thursday , September 16, 9:00 a.m . 3:00 . p.m University Center 525 S . State Street Free Conference Space Limited : Register early aidschicago.org sexcity The conference is a one day event that will explore how HIV AIDS is impacting African American gay and bisexual men , as well as other men who have sex with men

  • A "Magnetic" Solution for Tumors

    Updated: 2010-08-11 08:39:59
    Though a valuable weapon against malignant tumors, radiation treatment often harms healthy tissue as it tries to kill cancerous cells. Now, Prof. Israel Gannot of Tel Aviv University's Department of Biomedical Engineering is developing a new way to destroy tumors with fewer side effects and minimal damage to surrounding tissue........

  • Intensified HIV Therapy Fails to Eradicate Virus

    Updated: 2010-08-10 22:00:00
    In patients whose HIV is already well-controlled, intensifying the therapy has no apparent effect on residual viremia, researchers said.

  • Large risk schizophrenia marker

    Updated: 2010-08-06 21:12:03
    A group of researchers has identified a genetic variant that substantially increases the risk for developing schizophrenia in Ashkenazi Jewish and other populations. The study, published by Cell Press on August 5th in the American Journal of Human Genetics, associates a deletion on chromosome 3 with increased occurence rate of schizophrenia........

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